Washing that hides top-notch care for your clothes without tons of waste.
Discover eco-friendly laundry with gentle detergents from EcoHaus. Ideal for sensitive skin, atopic eczema, and baby clothes.
Our laundry sheets are biodegradable, multifunctional, and perfect for washing on the go or hand washing. Gentle on wool and silk with a subtle fragrance.
They were born as a Czech student project, went through development and production, and now you can try them too.
Regularly restock with discounts of up to 15% and free shipping!
Simplify your laundry and let us replenish your supplies for you. Cheaper than ever before. With a fragrant subscription, you'll save 15% compared to regular shopping and get rid of the hassle of buying laundry detergents.
Our story and sustainability
A simple, quality, and eco-friendly solution that was born from the heart of one woman, Petra Doubková. As they say, behind every great thing, there's a woman!
At the beginning of the story was a pile of laundry gels, scented beads, fabric softeners, and other fragrant troops that cluttered a small bathroom. They were ready to clog the washing machine, make a mess in the wallet, and settle into the clothes. On the path to minimalism and inspired by nature, the idea was born.