How to wash home textiles to make them look like new

Written by: Petra Doubková



Time to read 7 min

Are you getting ready for a big clean-up and want your laundry to shine with cleanliness? The key is proper washing. Learn how to wash your home textiles so they smell great and always look like new. We're bringing you a complete guide – from towels to curtains.

Natural fibers like cotton, wool, or silk are generally more sensitive to temperature and mechanical stress. For example, wool and silk should be washed by hand or on special delicate programs in the washing machine at low temperatures to avoid damage or shrinking. Cotton is more durable and can handle washing at higher temperatures, which is suitable for removing stubborn stains and bacteria.

Tabulka praní domácího textilu s růžovým pozadím. Obsahuje pět sloupců: Typ textilu, Teplota praní, Prací program, Sušení a Ždímání. Řádky popisují konkrétní textilie jako ručníky, utěrky, povlečení, prostěradla, záclony, ubrusy a deky a přehozy, včetně doporučené teploty praní, pracího programu, způsobu sušení a ždímání. Všechny texty jsou zarovnané do středu jednotlivých buněk a tabulka má jemný design se zaoblenými rohy.

How to wash towels

Wash towels regularly and at a higher temperature 60 °C to keep them hygienically clean. Use quality detergents and avoid fabric softeners, which reduce absorbency.

White towels can be tricky, but there's a solution for that too. Check out our recipe for soft and brilliantly white towels. First, soak them in warm water and sprinkle baking soda on them. Let them rest for a few hours, then transfer them to the washing machine. Place  Ecohaus laundry sheet  underneath. Add one packet of baking powder and a bit of white vinegar.

Finally, add a few drops of natural  essential oil  to the towels so they smell wonderful. Turn on the washing machine at 60 °C and look forward to a snow-white result.

 TIP  Watch out for fabric softener

Do you use fabric softener when washing towels? It's better not to. Fabric softener coats the textile fibers and reduces their absorbency. The solution is  EcoHaus laundry sheets , which will soften the towels while maintaining their absorbency. Thanks to the laundry sheets, the laundry will have a gentle scent even without fabric softener. 

 TIP  Do you have a towel just for your face?

Every face deserves its own towel. Do you know why? Bacteria can easily accumulate in towels. When you use one towel for your whole body, you transfer more bacteria to your face, which can worsen acne. A special  face towel  can be washed and will benefit your skin – it helps keep it clean and healthy. 

How to wash towels

Towels withstand frequent washing at higher temperatures well. Wash them separately from delicate laundry at 60 °C to remove all bacteria. Since towels and dishcloths can handle the same washing temperature, you can safely wash them together. If you need tips on stain removal, we have an article for you Get rid of stains and spots easily and effectively

 TIP  Are you looking for quality towels?

Are you tired of kitchen towels that don’t absorb at all? Try the new  towels  from EcoHaus. You’ll love them because they are highly absorbent and quick-drying. Their modern design and elegant beige color fit perfectly in any kitchen. See for yourself the quality.

How to wash bedding and sheets

Bedding should be washed once every 14 days.Allergics should change their bedding even more often, ideally every 3 days. Proper washing is important for maintaining colors and prolonging the lifespan of the material. Turn the bedding inside out and wash it at least at 40 °C. Use gentle detergents. For example,  EcoHaus laundry sheets

Tabulka s pokyny k praní různých materiálů s růžovým pozadím. Obsahuje pět sloupců: Materiál, Praní, Čištění, Sušení a Ždímání. Uvedené materiály zahrnují bavlnu, satén (bavlněný a polyester), mikrovlákno, flanel, hedvábí, bambus, lyocell (Tencel), lněné povlečení, polyesterové směsi a jersey. Pro každý materiál je popsána doporučená teplota a program praní, typ čisticího prostředku, způsob sušení a ždímání. Tabulka má jemný design se zaoblenými rohy a texty jsou zarovnané do středu buněk.

How to wash blankets and throws

Washing blankets and throws requires a careful approach to maintain the quality and appearance of the textiles. First, check the care label for washing instructions, where you'll find information on the appropriate cleaning method.Blankets and throws always according to the material – some can be washed in the washing machine on a gentle cycle, while others need to be taken to the dry cleaner. The frequency of washing depends on how often you use the blanket or throw.

For blankets used daily, we recommend washing at least once a month, while decorative throws only need to be cleaned a few times a year. Wash the blanket or throw separately, without any other laundry, to avoid damage and insufficient cleaning. Choose a program suitable for delicate fabrics, hand wash, or wool based on the material.

 TIP  How to neatly fold a blanket

One annoying problem with blankets is their folding. With our tip, you'll be able to fold a blanket easily and elegantly.Fold the blanket so that you create a pocket to tuck the other end into. This will result in a neat package. It looks like a little pillow and is much nicer than a blanket tossed on the couch. What do you think, will you try our trick?

How to wash duvets

Don't forget about the duvets during your spring cleaning. They should be washed at least twice a year. Fold the duvet according to the instructions in the video to take up as little space as possible in the washing machine. Add  Ecohaus laundry sheet  and we also recommend baking soda for better disinfection and dirt removal.

Wash your duvets according to the manufacturer's instructions. Especially natural materials (feathers and wool) require special washing products. For feather duvets, do not use fabric softener, as it can cause the feathers to lose their natural properties. Choose a gentle wash cycle or a specific feather cycle if your washing machine has one. Set the temperature to a maximum of 40 °C and low spin speed (400 revolutions per minute).

After washing, place the feather duvet in the dryer. If you want it to dry faster and fluff up nicely, use 3  wool dryer balls . Do not dry the duvet in direct sunlight, as some feathers may become over-dried while others remain damp.

 TIP  How to easily and quickly put on a duvet cover

You'll get the duvet cover on easily when you know how. Leave the cover inside out, just like you do when putting it in the washing machine. Put your hands inside the corners and then grab one corner of the duvet with each hand, as you can see in the video. Then just flip the duvet over and give it a good shake. Simple, right? 

How to wash wool

Wool is an exceptional material. Its properties allow for minimal washing frequency even for blankets.Usually, it's enough to let your wool blankets air out or wash them by hand in slightly warm water up to 30 °C. You can also use a dry cleaner for dry cleaning.

Avoid drying in a dryer and definitely don't put wool items on central heating. The best way to dry is to lay the sweater flat on a horizontal surface. Ideally, place it on a drying rack covered with a towel, put the sweater on it, and let it dry naturally. This way, you prevent any change in its shape.

 TIP  How to rescue a shrunken sweater 

Did your wool sweater shrink in the dryer? You still have a chance to return it to its original state. Soak the sweater in lukewarm water with a bit of hair conditioner to loosen the fibers. After 20 minutes, take the sweater out of the water and gently squeeze out the water.Place the sweater on a towel and gently stretch it back to its original size.

How to wash curtains

Washing curtains requires a gentle approach to maintain their appearance and prevent damage. First, soak them in cold water with a bit of detergent, which will help loosen dirt. You can use  EcoHaus laundry sheet  .

Then, put them in the washing machine, select a delicate cycle at around 30 °C with low spin speed, ideally up to 400 spins per minute .

After washing the curtains, take them out of the washing machine immediately and hang them back on the windows while they're still damp. They will straighten out by their own weight, and you won't need to iron them. 

How to wash tablecloths

It's best to wash tablecloths at temperatures around 40 °C. Higher temperatures could damage the material or cause colors to fade. Treat stains before washing. If you're interested in useful tips, check out our article Get rid of stains easily and effectively.

Let tablecloths dry flat on a smooth surface or hung up to maintain their shape. You can iron cotton tablecloths at higher temperatures, ideally from the reverse side, to avoid damaging them.

TIP How to remove dried wax

Do you have candle wax on your tablecloth? You can easily remove it like this. Reheat the wax with a hairdryer, then place a paper towel on it and wait for the wax to soak in. Only a greasy stain will remain. Drip some dish soap on it and the tablecloth can go in the washing machine. 

Tips for maintaining and storing home textiles

Caring for textiles doesn't just end with proper washing and drying. Storage also plays a role. Vacuum bags will protect seasonal clothing from moths.Regularly air out your closets and use lavender scents. This way, your clothes will stay fresh and ready to wear when you pull them out again.

 TIP  How to get rid of moths 

Did you know that one in eight households is infested with clothes moths? You can get rid of them by safely storing seasonal clothing. Pack your clothes in vacuum bags and definitely add lavender, which repels moths. A great option is a  room spray  with a lavender scent. A few drops of  essential oil  also work wonders. 

Keep your textiles in top condition

Regular and proper care of your home textiles will ensure they serve you for years. Use different washing methods for different types of fabrics. Whether it's towels, bedding, or curtains, every piece of fabric deserves a little care. Learn how to properly wash your home textiles so your items stay beautiful and functional for as long as possible. 

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